Friday, November 21, 2008

First Snow

Erich took the kids out to play in the first little bit of snow that fell at the beginning of this week. They were so excited to go out they just couldn't wait!!

Baseboard, Doors and Trim, OH MY!!

We found some guys to come over and work on the trim and doors. The ledge, windows, baseboard and doors are all we just get to paint all that stuff!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Cabinet Installation -Erich's Bar and Grill

Erich and is two friends put in the cabinets downstairs. Looks pretty nice!
Now we just have to wait for the countertop people to come and measure and make the countertops and install them. It is coming together nicely!

This is the bar-front.
Stove goes in the hole on the bottom. Microwave on top.

Refridgerator in the hole.

Refridgerator goes in the hole.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Converstion with my kids - "My Moon"

I was on my way to aerobics tonite, and as we were getting in the car, Carter saw the moon. He loves the moon. He said, "Look, my moon!"
So, on our way it went back and forth looking for the moon out Carter's window and out Anah's window. And they were also fighting about whose moon it was...."my moon," said Carter. "No, it is not his moon, right Mommy," said Anah.
Then Anah just asked, "Why is the moon following us?" So I tried to come up with an answer that she would understand and it didn't work out so well. So then she asked if grandma could see a moon at her house. I said, "Well, actually, Grandma sees the same moon you see. Everybody has the same moon in the whole world." Then out shouts Carter from nowhere, "God made the moon." Then Anah piped in, "Jesus made the moon." I commented yes they did. Then Carter went on to say that God made the stars, too. And then I told him God made the sun for us, also. So we just continued to drive and then Anah went on to say that God made the trees and the water for the trees to drink. I kept going and was just amazed that they understood all that. Then they asked if God made the cars.....I said, "well, God made the people that made the cars." They were ok with that. Then Anah said, well Daddy made our house!!!
It was all just so cute! Carter still loves "his moon!"

More Basement Pics

We are nearing the end of the painting. I guess I should say Erich is nearing the end of the painting. He has done the majority of the painting. He thinks he is a professional painter now. I am trying not to let this all go to his head....
Kitchen picture--trying to get the contrast of the orange and the yellow, but it doesn't pick up on the camera.
Erich is going to have help in starting to hang the kitchen cabinets on Friday!! Here is a picture of one of them.

Now I tried to get the orange and the taupe to show up in the picture and it just doesn't show up.

That really is taupe paint on the wall.

The bathroom--it is called 'Asparagus'.

And last, but not least....THE SCRAPBOOK ROOM! I know you were all waiting to see this one for a long time! But it was a fight for the color. Erich finally gave in and let me have purple in his 'man cave'. But doesn't it look beautiful? It is called 'silverberry'.

See, it is really cute isn't it?
I knew you would like it!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

New Family Pictures

We had new family pictures taken. The kids weren't too happy during the session, but we were able to get quite a few good pictures to choose from. Jane is so patient with the kids. What more could we ask for! Check out her website at